RACEM WHITE is a versatile base coat plaster that can be used internally and externally to render concrete blocks or stone. RACEM WHITE provides a perfect base coat for tiling or finish plasters. It’s premixed cement and lime formula makes it easy to work with and saves time.
All surfaces should be clean and free of dust, debris and surface contaminants like grease and oil. Apply one coat of either RAPRIMER or RABINDER depending on substrate, this helps adhesion.
RACEM WHITE can be mixed mechanically with a paddle mixer in a clean bucket using 5.5 to 6 litres of clean water per 25kg bag. Use eye protection and dust masks at all times.
Do not apply RACEM WHITE:
• on surfaces which are excessively wet
• at temperatures less than +5ºC and over + 35ºC
RACEM WHITE is a factory made mortar produced by R.A. & Sons Manufacturing Ltd and it conforms to the European Standard EN 998-1 for constancy of performance and quality